
Sulphur Black Sulphur parti-color Medicine intermediates Vat pink R Dye intermediates Others

Industrlal Sodium Thiosulfate


Colorless and transparent monolinic crystal. Soluble in water and turpentine, insoluble in alcohol. Easily efflorescent in dry or warm air, slihghtly deliquescent in damp air. Sodium thiosufate is also a reduction agent. Lost crystal water and disintegrated while it been burning.

【Qulity standard】 HG/T2328-1992
Appearance:Monoclinic system crystal. Fine grade is colorless and trans parent. First grade is coloriess or slightly yellow crystal.
Industrial sodium thiosulfate in accordance with the standard:

Items Fine grade First grade
Sodium thiosulfate(Na2S2O3•5H2O) content, % ≥ 99.0 98.0
Insoluble matters in water, % ≤ 0.01 0.03
Sulfur compound content(Na2S), % ≤ 0.001 0.003
Fe content, % ≤ 0.002 0.003
PH value(200g/L) 6.5-9.5

It is the fixing agent of photograph, antichlor and printing auxiliary of textile, printing and dyeing industry. It also used in manufacturing of synthetic dye, insecticides, synthetic fabrics, It is still used in medicine, leather, paper making, mineral concentration industries etc.

【Starage and transportation】
It must be stored in drying and ventilation, against damp and soluble. Against sunlight directly and rain to transport it.

In 50kg net each plastic weave bag lined with plastic bag.


Next: None

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