
Sulphur Black Sulphur parti-color Medicine intermediates Vat pink R Dye intermediates Others

DL-hydroxyl phenyl glycin

White or similarly white crystal powder

【Qulity standard】

Appearance: White or similarly white crystal powder
Content: ≥99%
Moisture: ≤1%
Solubility: clear[C=10IN-NaCH] clear[C=10 IN-HCl]

It mainly used in the production of D-hydroxyl phenyl glycin. D-hydroxyl phenyl glycin is the main material semisynthesising antibiotic Amoxicillin and cephalothin etc.

【Starage and transportation】
It stored in drying and ventilation place, preventing from sunlight, moisture and hotness, transporting carefully and lightly.

In woven bag of 25kg or big bag of 600kg each lined with plastic bag.

Next: DL-hydroxyl phenyl glycolycurea

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